Premieres from Hilary Field


Premieres: Contemporary Lyrical Works for the Classical Guitar

Hilary Field's latest release features new music by contemporary composers that celebrates the natural lyrical, rhythmic, and harmonic beauty of the classical guitar, offering the poetry of music for future generations. 

This recording features new or unrecorded compositions for the classical guitar, many written for Hilary, from ten contemporary composers.

Copies are currently available at all online retailers, record/book stores around the world, and in the Yellow Tail Records Store.


"One of my favorite classical guitar CDs of 2015 was Hilary Field’s Premieres, which was exactly what its title promised—first recordings of ten pieces by contemporary composers from all over the world, including Argentina, Chile, Poland, Russia, Greece, Australia, Brazil, and the US." Read the whole article here!

Copies are also available at the Yellow Tail Records Store.


Inspired by her concert tour of Chile and the honor of performing at Pablo Neruda House, Hilary Field has composed classical guitar music based on Neruda's poem "Oda a la Esperanza" (Ode to Hope.) The project is a collaboration with Claudia Castro-Luna, Washington State Poet Laureate, who contributed new poetry on the theme "Ode to Hope." Hilary has also composed classical guitar music based Claudia's poems, integrating the musical language of the poetry with the expressive phrasing of the classical guitar. Their performances weave poetry and spoken word art forms with the sounds of the classical guitar, underscoring the natural pulse and sentiment of the poems, while embracing the timeless and timely theme of hope.


From October 29th through November 7th, Hilary is proud to be part of the Festival Entrecuerdas, Chile. Hilary will be joining other great artists for performances in Talca, Quintay, Tucapel, and Linares. For more information, visit the concerts page!

This engagement is supported in part by Mid Atlantic Arts through USArtists International, a program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Trust for Mutual Understanding. Mid Atlantic Arts


composing grants


  • CityArtist Project Grant
  • Seattle Office of Arts and Culture

2017 -2018

  • Seattle Office of Arts and Culture
  • 4Culture Project Grant
  • Artist Trust
  • 4Culture Washington State Touring Artist
  • Ode to Hope - Collaboration with Washington State Poet Laureate, Claudia Castro Luna


"Contemporary and lyrical? I’m in. And guitarist Hilary doesn’t disappoint here: these pieces (by composers like Douglas Lora, Nadia Boríslova, Alberto Cumplido, and Field herself) are modern and sometimes forbiddingly virtuosic, but always engaging and sweetly melodic. Well, to be honest, most of them don’t sound that “modern”–Field’s use of the word “contemporary” in the title is wise. And her playing is magnificent. Highly recommended." - CD Hotlist

Hilary Field instinctively brings out the essence of each piece, either through expressive touches or subtle dynamic nuances that enhance the harmonic flow of the music. She captures well the 'blue' nature of some of the pieces, and lends them a personal touch and deep expression. I've personally not heard this good of a guitar collection in a long time. If you play classical guitar, you should add this new recording to your collection. And even if you don't play, this could very well inspire you to pick up an instrument and start learning. - Classical Music Sentinel - 9/19/15

Every aspect of the disc has been carefully laid out and executed, from the selection of the repertoire to Field's touching and effortless playing. With an array of beautiful new music and a particular attention to lyrical, accessible compositions, this disc is one that any lover of the classical guitar will enjoy." - Minor 7th - 10/26/15

Copies are currently available at the Yellow Tail Records Store.


Airoso, the recording from Hilary Field and Gwen Franz, captures the expressive sonority of viola and classical guitar. From the grace and elegance of the Baroque masters, to the fiery rhythms of Latin American tangos, sambas and choros, Airoso features new arrangements and lyrical contemporary compositions. This CD, released in April 2013, includes music by Piazzolla, Machado, Cumplido, Telemann, Bach, and Marchelie, as well as the world premiere recording of Jorge Morel's "Homage to a Dance" for solo guitar.

Advance copies are currently available at the Yellow Tail Records Store.


Hilary Field has recorded two award-wining cds with singer Patrice O'Neill: Siente: Night Songs from Around the World and Cantilena: Night Songs from Around the World. These lyrical night songs and lullabies from world traditions and classical masters transcend generations, lending a blanket of calm in an often busy world. Music for grown-ups AND their kids! For more information, please visit: Night Songs Home


Hilary will be returning to perform in the Festival Entrecuerdas in Chile in the fall of 2024! This is a celebration of the 25th year of the Festival. Read about the festival: here


Hilary is in the process of recording her next solo release, Ode to Hope. This solo classical guitar cd will feature premiere recordings of Hilary’s compositions as well as the premiere of the work "For Hilary" composed for Hilary by the great guitarist and composer, Jorge Morel.


Hilary’s guitar "bahia" is from master luthier Dake Traphagen.



concerts and recordings

Hilary Field performs internationally as a soloist, as a duo with violist Gwen Franz, and with vocalist Patrice O'Neill. For information about current schedule and availability, pleae visit the concerts page.

Hilary Field's most recent release, "Premieres", is available now. This CD features the first recordings of a number of classical compositions, many written specifically for Hilary, and is available at online and retail outlets everywhere, and from the Yellow Tail Records store HERE! More information…

audio samples

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